2018年1月30日 星期二



1. 愛是信任 (Love is trust)
2. 關於我 (Myself)
3. 愛就是因為他人就是他那個樣子而愛他 (Love is loving the other one because the other one is the way the other one is)

4. 愛是按照人們原來的樣子接受他們 (Love is taking people as they are)
5. 愛和瞭解是同一回事 (Love and understanding are the same)
6. 人並非去滋長她的愛只是擺脫她的仇恨而已 (One does not increase his love one merely gets rid of one's hate)
7. 愛我們的敵人才是愛的高度 (To love our enemy is the height of love)
8. 當一個人真的在愛時他永遠不會受到傷害 (When one really loves one can never be hurt)
9. 不論何時當一個人感覺良好時她就是在愛中 不論何時當一個人感覺不良時她就是不在愛中 (Anytime one feels good one is loving anytime one feels bad one is not loving)

貳: 獲得自在
1. 愛會消弭恐懼 愛才是至上的 (Love eliminates fear love is the ultimate)

參 : 覺醒後的日子
1. 愛背負一切 愛相信一切 (Love bears all things love believes all things)
2. 愛讓愛更加華麗 (Love flourishes in love)

肆 : "為什麼"的智慧
1. 愛是會傳染的 (Love is contagious)
2. 愛是不具個人角度的 (Love has no personal angles)
3. 愛是方法也是目的 (Love is the means and the end)
4. 愛會尋求它自己的同類 (Love seeks its own likeness)
5. 愛是讓其它人自在的放手 (Love is a freeing of the other one)
6. 愛是接納 (Love is acceptance)

結語 (After words)

